On Assignment!
Light For Life August 2004!!!!
I have a sense of anticipation for the future and where God is leading me. I feel as though I am on the verge of something new but it is unknown; I have begun to surrender myself to God’s plans for me and not hold onto mine. I have a sense of expectation that God knows the next step and I can trust Him. Regardless of where I think I am in life, or where I should be, I am always on 'assignment' and so are you; its just that a lot of the time we don’t know it or are unaware of it. We may think that we are not where we need or want to be, but right now we might be just where God wants us!!!! Have you considered that?
God’s assignments are not always for us to be ‘angels of mercy’ to those in need or to have an up front role, some are to prepare us for the next stage by behind the scenes work, deep in our lives. This may happen through such means as serving others, which may allow the uncovering of our true inward character, revealing weaknesses that we had no idea were there... Our assignment might be to sit a test, like an exam that is sprung on us by the teacher, or like a major project due in next week, sometimes they last a day and sometimes a week. Some of these assignments are easy and some we may enjoy, but its the ones that are difficult that we like to think are not from God at all!
I won't pretend to know much about diamonds, but I imagine that a diamond in its rough form needs a lot of work for it to become the object of beauty that it can be. If it didn't undergo every process needed, would it be brought to its fullest beauty and value? So too, God shapes us all round, it is thorough and complete, He leaves nothing out, He doesn't want a whole lot of lop sided people walking around! The bible says 'Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will bring it unto completion on the day of Jesus Christ' (Philippians 1:6), and that means process.
It was as I was speaking to my pastor that I realised that I have been on assignment, she helped me see it. Funny that, because for a time, when I didn’t understand what was going, I thought this is all wrong it must be the devil attacking me! At times that may indeed be the case, but there are times that we might be just where God wants us – to teach us something. God does not enjoy allowing hard things in our lives to teach us but they are one of the tools He will use for our growth.
In my life I am constantly coming before God in prayer, He knows my heart is towards becoming more like His Son. I have found that because that is where my heart is and I want to be open and willing, it's only natural that I will, in the process of life have to work through issues to become rounded, complete and balanced. If you are open to Him so will you, but, God is one we can trust, when He is working in our life we are safe because He is in control.
When you are on one of these assignments you might be tempted to get into self-condemnation, self pity, feeling like a failure, weak, insignificant, hopeless and unworthy but don’t do it. It also says in the bible ‘For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God’, we are all weak and human, but thank God that He is God and that He is able to keep us from falling!
Work with God and not against His purposes and you will feel free-er than ever. He loves you with an ever lasting love, His steadfast love never ceases, His mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning and great is His faithfulness and it is His kindness that leads us to repentance. He loves us through every stage and never wants to give up. Keep in mind that even if you are in a difficult place right now - you may be on assignment! Learn all you can while you are there, submit yourself to God and don't fight against it if you sense it is God. Ask Him to speak to you, as He is the one with all the answers. Go through and then you move on - the less delays the better!
Bless you
Word For Life
A position, office, or job which one is given or to which one is being sent.
God’s Word
1 Peter 1:7
'...that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honour and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ.