Never alone, He is with me...
Light For Life September 2004
God is always with me and I should never feel alone, He is with me now and even to the end of the age. I have been thinking about the fact that He is always with me, even when I don’t realise it. I’ve been thinking how He is with me even when I feel totally alone and isolated. He is with me in the good and the bad times.
He is with me when I am so high and there is no one to whom I can express my joy and deep satisfaction; He is as ecstatic about my situation as I am. Its not just in the good times that this should be comforting, but also in the difficult moments of life. When you go through something that you can't really share with anyone else, or there is no one appropriate to share it with, He is still there. He is with me all the time. Most of the time there is no one else with us, when we have those downs, no one else can understand, there is no one else to share it with – but He is with me. He has been with me throughout the years, every moment in fact. He knows me better than anyone else.
We often feel He is with us in the happy times, and then when we are in the sad, low times we feel like we are alone. It is often easier to know we are not alone in the happy times, we feel comfortable and we feel joyous, but when we are low and there is no one physically with us we feel alone and isolated, no one understands and there is no one who can hear, but He is with us.
I realised that I should take more comfort in this thought than I have been up to date. He is with me always, every day, every minute, every hour, happy, sad, frustrated, fearful, even sinning!
Why is it that I feel more ready to share with Him, when things are good, when things are easy? I can say, “Praise you Lord, Thank you for answering my prayer, I am so happy”. But when I am down or low, I know He is there but I still look for someone to console me!!
Of course we do need someone to console us, but as we grow, we learn to let that someone be God more of the time, we know He is with us. When we are low we can allow ourselves to feel very isolated from others, even when they are physically there they may not know how we are feeling and be totally unaware of the emotion we are experiencing.
It is at those times that we should feel less alone and really feel surrounded, loved and cared for by God. He is the only one who REALLY can be there for us always. He knows every detail so we don’t have to make Him understand where we are at or justify why – He knows why! We can just cry, we can just say it – no explanation needed. He was there when it happened. And, knowing the end from the beginning, who better qualifies to tell us what to do?
He comforts our sorrows for He carried them.
Take comfort today. He is with you in all these moments too.
Word For Life
In the presence of, beside, near, among or including.
God’s Word
Mathew 28:20
And Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
Bless you