Tuesday, February 01, 2005

A Change in the right direction... Letting Go..

A Change in the right direction… Letting Go…
Light For Life February 2005

Things are changing, things are always changing, and change is another one of those things I am not greatly fond of. This last 12 months, in a lot of ways has been about change. I am coming to terms with the fact that it has to happen, and I am even accepting it more willingly, which is a breakthrough. I think I have been forced into it by situations beyond my control and realising it is inevitable, actually I can’t do too much about it.

Being very ‘routined’ in my ways, if there is something that I know and that I like, I think it will always be that way or be a part of my life, forever! Things like people, friends, hobbies, annual events, traditions, etc. In 2004, change was in the wind the whole way through, and it blew away a lot of things I thought would always be, along with concepts, ideals, things I have been a part of, and even some directions. I feel as if a great shift is taking place and because of it I am learning the art of letting go. Something tells me that it is going to be the same for 2005!

Normally by the end of the year I have a sense of what the next year is about; but this year I couldn’t quite say what I thought 2005 would hold, just that I know He has it in His hands. This year I have let go my 'hold' on things to a greater extent, and scary as it may be there is also an element of freedom in it; I almost feel as if it is empowering to let go of some things, and then there is anticipation of what could or will be! Our hold on many things in our lives leaves us ragged even though we don’t realise it, and then one something changes, for whatever reason it might be, and we realise we didn’t really need that after all.

I am one who believes that when we let go of one thing God brings the next to us. What will He bring to me? I have a feeling that there is more to let go of and I pray for the ease to do so and the courage to do it. Letting go is about shaping us and shaping our future, one thing may need to end in order for another to begin. Do I trust God to do it?

The things that have been a part of us for a long time are the hardest to let go. When life is complicated, as I have found it to be, sometimes it is hard to read the situation clearly to know what to do. I don’t know about you, but I have found it difficult to make these decisions, weighing up my motives, not wanting to steer my own boat and end up in a storm. Even though I don’t understand the ways of God at times, my foundation is still on Him and I am not foolhardy enough to think I know best and go it alone.

I needed to make some decisions/choices for 2005 and I was finding it difficult, then I came up with the one deciding factor that helped me. The deciding factor for me was a priority that demanded my attention, and when I looked at it, wisdom said ‘it’s right - listen’. It seemed obvious. I think I feel at peace about the steps I am taking, more peaceful than less anyway, so I will walk through and if I am wrong then I pray that God will give me His grace to retrace my steps. Releasing my grip, slowly, was the way to come to the decision, that way I would be able to sense if it was wrong – for me the release brought peace.

What do you need to let go of? Is change blowing around you? Is there a deciding factor – ‘The Determiner’? What would help you make this decision? There is only one way to find out – slowly release your grip!

A Note:
This edition of LIGHT FOR LIFE is the 2nd Year Anniversary of my group emails! Thanks for all the great feedback and encouragement that I get regularly, it inspires me to keep going - and after all, I have to use the lessons of my life for some good - hey! These emails go out each month to over 100 people which is amazing and I pray that my lessons will shed some light on the things that are going on in your life - and bring you some answers, you are not alone!


Word For Life
A person or thing that determines. One that determines. An argument that is conclusive.

The Word
Psalm 24:4-5:
Lord, tell me your ways. Show me how to live. Guide me in your truth.