Today is Saturday!!! It is nice to not be doing anything. I cherish not having to run anywhere and HAVE to do things. I know that there are a lot of people who dont enjoy this luxury because they have so many things they are involved with. I think you need balance in your life - you dont want life racing so fast that you dont enjoy it and the minutes dissappear and before you know it the weeks have flown by. There is something to be said of stopping to smell the roses isnt there? It is all about balance.
Must say though - sleeping in is my favourite thing!
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Making real changes in my life!
I am serious about making changes in my life. I have a great life and a great family but as with anyone, there is always an area where you want a change. I watch this lady on TV called Joyce Meyer, her program is called Enjoying Everyday Life - you can check out her site at
On her show this month she is doing a focus on change, and it is really good. You can learn a lot and make real changes that last. I got sick of going round and round the mountain and failing like for example with excercise and health issues, I know that might not mean too much to anyone reading this, but when it is something you have never managed to conquer it can get you down. So, I am making some progress and doing it all one day at a time - MOMENT BY MOMENT. I am so rapt, I am drinking a heap of water every day and eating fruit, getting a walk in, and I am looking forward to the benefits of this.
When you do it like this you can see it working becasue you are not planning for every day or the rest of your life!
On her show this month she is doing a focus on change, and it is really good. You can learn a lot and make real changes that last. I got sick of going round and round the mountain and failing like for example with excercise and health issues, I know that might not mean too much to anyone reading this, but when it is something you have never managed to conquer it can get you down. So, I am making some progress and doing it all one day at a time - MOMENT BY MOMENT. I am so rapt, I am drinking a heap of water every day and eating fruit, getting a walk in, and I am looking forward to the benefits of this.
When you do it like this you can see it working becasue you are not planning for every day or the rest of your life!
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Next Wave Online
This is a very interesting man and he says stuff that really makes sense and makes you think. Check out his site. You can even listen to some audio messages of his.
Next Wave Online
Next Wave Online
Its been a long time....getting from there to here
Hi there!!! I'm back!!!!
Well, it certainly has been a long time. Over 12 months to be exact!! What has brought this on to get me to write again??? Well, I could hardly believe it but it looks like someone read my blog!!!!
It is funny isnt it, you think you are here all alone and no-one will actually read your blog. I followed their reply through which was supposed to send me to some website link which didnt work and it is a little scary following directions like this from someone you dont know. So if the person who wrote to me is reading this perhaps write the name of the website next time so I can look it up.
Anyway, I am going to do some new posts to add some things that you might like to read and from there on in, I hope to do this a little more often. I have backdated them so they are in correct date order.
See ya.
Well, it certainly has been a long time. Over 12 months to be exact!! What has brought this on to get me to write again??? Well, I could hardly believe it but it looks like someone read my blog!!!!
It is funny isnt it, you think you are here all alone and no-one will actually read your blog. I followed their reply through which was supposed to send me to some website link which didnt work and it is a little scary following directions like this from someone you dont know. So if the person who wrote to me is reading this perhaps write the name of the website next time so I can look it up.
Anyway, I am going to do some new posts to add some things that you might like to read and from there on in, I hope to do this a little more often. I have backdated them so they are in correct date order.
See ya.
Monday, August 01, 2005
The Strangle Effects of Fear...
The Strangle Effects of Fear...
Light For Life August 2005
Fear is so subtle isn't it? It creeps in and does its work and often has been there quite some time before we even realise its effects. You don't have to consider yourself ‘fearful’ to be a victim either, in some ways fear does its work on all of us until our eyes are opened and we stand against it.
I do not consider myself fearful, but recently I have noticed that God is uncovering the evidence of fear in my mind and I was quite surprised to see a picture emerge that fear was at work. Fear doesn't usually jump up and loudly say ‘Here I come! Boooo….’ Fear has a way of slinking in and corrupting optimism and blanketing our thoughts with underlying worry.
God began to show me that I had been allowing fear to choke the promises of God in my life. I had unknowingly been listening to its voice and unaware that as I did, it eroded faith and belief in the promises God has for me and whether they will come to pass. Fear kind of washes over us and of course the thing about fear is that there is always an element of truth in it and it seems to make sense.
I had started to worry about my future and a lie crept in and began to convert the promises of God. The thoughts go something along these lines –‘Things will just get harder and continue to go wrong. You have no control over this. How can you handle that? What will you do? How will you cope?
These thoughts get integrated into our system and are sometimes hard to identify, after all they are not irrational fears are they? They all seem to make sense and are quite probable so I don't fight them off so aggressively. It dawned on me as I felt the increasing weight of the burden that had been loaded. You see the bible says ‘fear has torment’ – that is the effect that it has on us. But, what does God’s word says? Doesn't it say God has a ‘plans’ to prosper me and not to harm me, plans for a hope and a future? Where did all that go? That is when you see that fear choked out the promises that God has made.
Fear coerces us to believe out future is uncertain, shaky, difficult, impossible, but if we will live and commit each moment to God then we counter attack fear. That is how fear crept in, because I had not been doing moment by moment trust in God. If I do moment by moment then I only have to deal with that moment. It is when I start getting ahead again – in my HEAD that things start to overwhelm. If I live as God wants me to, and do that by trusting Him for each thing and moment, then it is not as easy for fear to sneak in because the security door is locked and it has to be opened to let anything through – which then is a choice.
So, to begin to overcome fear we don't need to try and tackle the whole weight, we don't need to eradicate it all at once, we need to weed it out at each moment – that is doable, realistic and achievable. As soon as we feel anxious is it is a sign that we have opened the door to fear, but as soon as we feel this it can be a trigger for us to reclaim the ground by trusting God for the moment and taking one thing at a time. At that moment we can remember that when we are weak He is strong and then move forward and push through.
Word For Life
Fear has no place in love
Bold confidence (John_4:17), based on love, cannot coexist with fear. Love, which, when perfected, gives bold confidence, casts out fear. The design of Christ’s propitiatory death was to deliver from this bondage of fear.
Fear hath torment — the Greek meaning, “punishment.” Fear is always revolving in the mind the punishment deserved [Estius]. Fear, by anticipating punishment (through consciousness of deserving it), has it even now, that is, the foretaste of it. Perfect love is incompatible with such a self-punishing fear. Godly fear of offending God is quite distinct from slavish fear of consciously deserved punishment. The latter fear is natural to us all until love casts it out. “Men’s states vary: one is without fear and love; another, with fear without love; another, with fear and love; another, without fear with love”
Barnes Commentary
There is no fear in love - The man who feels that he loves God with all his heart can never dread him as his Judge. As he is now made a partaker of his Spirit, and carries a sense of the Divine approbation in his conscience, he has nothing of that fear that produces terror or brings torment. The perfect love - that fullness of love, which he has received, casteth out fear - removes all terror relative to this day of judgment, for it is of this that the apostle particularly speaks. And as it is inconsistent with the gracious design of God to have his followers miserable, and as he cannot be unhappy whose heart is full of the love of his God, this love must necessarily exclude this fear or terror; because that brings torment, and hence is inconsistent with that happiness which a man must have who continually enjoys the approbation of his God.
The Word
1 John 4:18-19
There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because fear has torment. He who fears has not been perfected in love.
We love Him because He first loved us
1 John 4:18
There is no fear in love [dread does not exist], but full-grown (complete, perfect) love turns fear out of doors and expels every trace of terror! For fear brings with it the thought of punishment, and [so] he who is afraid has not reached the full maturity of love [is not yet grown into love's complete perfection].
Light For Life August 2005
Fear is so subtle isn't it? It creeps in and does its work and often has been there quite some time before we even realise its effects. You don't have to consider yourself ‘fearful’ to be a victim either, in some ways fear does its work on all of us until our eyes are opened and we stand against it.
I do not consider myself fearful, but recently I have noticed that God is uncovering the evidence of fear in my mind and I was quite surprised to see a picture emerge that fear was at work. Fear doesn't usually jump up and loudly say ‘Here I come! Boooo….’ Fear has a way of slinking in and corrupting optimism and blanketing our thoughts with underlying worry.
God began to show me that I had been allowing fear to choke the promises of God in my life. I had unknowingly been listening to its voice and unaware that as I did, it eroded faith and belief in the promises God has for me and whether they will come to pass. Fear kind of washes over us and of course the thing about fear is that there is always an element of truth in it and it seems to make sense.
I had started to worry about my future and a lie crept in and began to convert the promises of God. The thoughts go something along these lines –‘Things will just get harder and continue to go wrong. You have no control over this. How can you handle that? What will you do? How will you cope?
These thoughts get integrated into our system and are sometimes hard to identify, after all they are not irrational fears are they? They all seem to make sense and are quite probable so I don't fight them off so aggressively. It dawned on me as I felt the increasing weight of the burden that had been loaded. You see the bible says ‘fear has torment’ – that is the effect that it has on us. But, what does God’s word says? Doesn't it say God has a ‘plans’ to prosper me and not to harm me, plans for a hope and a future? Where did all that go? That is when you see that fear choked out the promises that God has made.
Fear coerces us to believe out future is uncertain, shaky, difficult, impossible, but if we will live and commit each moment to God then we counter attack fear. That is how fear crept in, because I had not been doing moment by moment trust in God. If I do moment by moment then I only have to deal with that moment. It is when I start getting ahead again – in my HEAD that things start to overwhelm. If I live as God wants me to, and do that by trusting Him for each thing and moment, then it is not as easy for fear to sneak in because the security door is locked and it has to be opened to let anything through – which then is a choice.
So, to begin to overcome fear we don't need to try and tackle the whole weight, we don't need to eradicate it all at once, we need to weed it out at each moment – that is doable, realistic and achievable. As soon as we feel anxious is it is a sign that we have opened the door to fear, but as soon as we feel this it can be a trigger for us to reclaim the ground by trusting God for the moment and taking one thing at a time. At that moment we can remember that when we are weak He is strong and then move forward and push through.
Word For Life
Fear has no place in love
Bold confidence (John_4:17), based on love, cannot coexist with fear. Love, which, when perfected, gives bold confidence, casts out fear. The design of Christ’s propitiatory death was to deliver from this bondage of fear.
Fear hath torment — the Greek meaning, “punishment.” Fear is always revolving in the mind the punishment deserved [Estius]. Fear, by anticipating punishment (through consciousness of deserving it), has it even now, that is, the foretaste of it. Perfect love is incompatible with such a self-punishing fear. Godly fear of offending God is quite distinct from slavish fear of consciously deserved punishment. The latter fear is natural to us all until love casts it out. “Men’s states vary: one is without fear and love; another, with fear without love; another, with fear and love; another, without fear with love”
Barnes Commentary
There is no fear in love - The man who feels that he loves God with all his heart can never dread him as his Judge. As he is now made a partaker of his Spirit, and carries a sense of the Divine approbation in his conscience, he has nothing of that fear that produces terror or brings torment. The perfect love - that fullness of love, which he has received, casteth out fear - removes all terror relative to this day of judgment, for it is of this that the apostle particularly speaks. And as it is inconsistent with the gracious design of God to have his followers miserable, and as he cannot be unhappy whose heart is full of the love of his God, this love must necessarily exclude this fear or terror; because that brings torment, and hence is inconsistent with that happiness which a man must have who continually enjoys the approbation of his God.
The Word
1 John 4:18-19
There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because fear has torment. He who fears has not been perfected in love.
We love Him because He first loved us
1 John 4:18
There is no fear in love [dread does not exist], but full-grown (complete, perfect) love turns fear out of doors and expels every trace of terror! For fear brings with it the thought of punishment, and [so] he who is afraid has not reached the full maturity of love [is not yet grown into love's complete perfection].
Friday, July 01, 2005
Crops to Grow, People to Feed.. Farmers Love Growth!
Crops to Grow People to Feed.... Farmers Love Growth!
Light For Life July 2005
God is into growth have you noticed that? Growth is something that He does best and He loves seeing it and the fruit that it brings. On this earth God has made us to be the farmers on His land. We plant, nurture, feed, and then harvest the produce of these crops which bring eternal returns. Each of us has a favourite crop that we want to grow – it’s just to our liking and we know more about that particular species than any other. We love the colour, texture and taste of this crop and we put our all energy into it.
I had a crop I was nurturing and that was because God had given me the seeds to plant, it was just the crop I would be good at and I had faithfully watched over it watering it, tilling the soil, fertilizing and eradicating pests. I was a good farmer, just like my Father and the crop grew and grew, it developed beautiful, ripe, plump juicy fruit and I was so pleased. I wanted everyone to see this beautiful crop. I couldn't wait to take my produce to market and see it nourish people and give them all that natural goodness which would in turn help them to grow and be healthy.
For years I grew this crop – year after year; and each year I learned something more and found new ways to improve the soil, get bigger fruit and better methods for harvesting. One year I had prepared the soil, planted my seeds, watered them in, and watched the fruit grow and grow. They were ripening now and just about ready for the harvest, almost ready to be taken to market to be sold, to nourish and strengthen others. Then one day the Land Owner came along to call on me to see how I was going, He looked over my crop and congratulated me, He commented that this was the best crop ever, and He was indeed pleased as He loved growth and knowing the fruit would go to feed so many.
Then something unexpected happened, He informed me that He needed me somewhere else, somewhere far away, there was a new farm with another field and I was just the right one for this new crop – one I thought I knew little about. I felt deflated because I got confused thinking that I had been doing a good job, perhaps he wasn't happy with me after all? I could not believe the timing of this new venture into the unknown, besides I wanted this crop, I cared for it, and wouldn't I even be able to stay to see the faces of the people at the market who would come to buy this fine fare!
So He told me to pretty much get ready to go straight away; and even though He was the boss, I am ashamed to say I protested the decision, and then went off feeling disappointed and like I definitely don't want to be a farmer anymore! But, what could I do this was my life my calling? Even though I was upset I started to get going, then I began to pull myself together and then to make progress and I moved to the new field.
My new field didn't look half as interesting; that is until I began to look at my plot and see that there was some really good soil here, this crop would also nourish the people, and then I began to really love the location, it was situated very nicely. When He told me what to plant and I envisaged the crop I was dumbfounded – this was better than I ever expected! Next thing I know I was getting up early to go to work, there was purpose and fulfilment. I started to see that the Land Owner indeed had more experience than I. I called Him up and thanked Him for doing me this service and then I proceeded to plant the seeds. It wasn't long before up popped the little heads of my new crop, they looked fine and appeared strong – it was exciting when I realized that the yield on this crop was even better, it was far more nourishing, it was quick to grow and even self seeded which in turn would produce more fruit.
It was at the end of a long but rewarding days’ work that I sat on the verandah of my house with a cup of tea; I looked out and saw a fine sight. It was then that the Land Owner came along, I invited him to have a drink with me and we talked. He told me that He knew that I loved that old field and the crop that was growing there, He was sorry but it was more vital to move me on at that time He had others that could more than ably manage that crop, who would harvest it and were just right for this field. He reminded me He was the Land Owner and that I worked for him and he could choose to move His farmers to whatever crop He liked. He didn't do this to upset them, in fact it was an honour He told me, He chose me because I was just the right one for this crop and He knew he could trust me with it, yes it would start off small but He had big plans for this crop.
You see, He said ‘I give you the seeds to plant, for a crop to grow, crops that will net huge yields, yes you did a lot of work on it but the most important thing is the fruit, fruit to feed so many people. He had so many farmers and they were all good, the most important thing was that the fruit was prime not who grew them’. He said ‘You must remember that I gave you the seeds and I taught you all you know about farming and you just followed My instruction’. He reminded me that I was not removed from the field because I had failed, or because He wanted to upset me. He told me it was that He saw potential in me, that as I was a good farmer that I cared about His crops and that I would adjust to my new assignment. You see He knew I was a good farmer because I loved seeing growth.
Farmers love growth…. it doesn't matter which crop they grow.
Now the point to all this – wherever you are assigned, whichever crop is yours to grow right now, it is important to God. It is His crop, His fruit. When we move on we may loathe the shift but only until we see His divine purpose in it. Love your crop; trust His plan and you will see how effective you can be!
Thanks to my husband who gave me the concept and inspiration for this piece.
Word For Life
Interesting Info on this scripture: Barnes Commentary
God gave the increase - God caused the seed sown to take root and spring up; and God blessed the irrigation of the tender plants as they sprung up, and caused them to grow. This idea is still taken from the farmer. It would be vain for the farmer to sow his seed unless God would give it life. There is no life in the seed, nor is there any inherent power in the earth to make it grow. Only God, the Giver of all life, can quicken the germ in the seed, and make it live. So it would be in vain for the farmer to water his plant unless God would bless it. There is no living principle in the water; no inherent power in the rains of heaven to make the plant grow. It is adapted, indeed, to this, and the seed would not germinate if it was not planted, nor grow if it was not watered; but the life is still from God. He arranged these means, and he gives life to the tender blade, and sustains it. And so it is with the word of life. It has no inherent power to produce effect by itself. The power is not in the naked word, nor in him that plants, nor in him that waters, nor in the heart where it is sown, but in God. But there is a Fitness of the means to the end. The word is adapted to save the soul. The seed must be sown or it will not germinate. Truth must be sown in the heart, and the heart must be prepared for it - as the earth must be plowed and made mellow, or it will not spring up. It must be cultivated with assiduous care, or it will produce nothing. But still it is all of God - as much so as the yellow harvest of the field, after all the toils of the farmer is of God. And as the farmer who has just views, will take no praise to himself because his grain and his vine start up and grow after all his care, but will ascribe all to God’s unceasing, beneficent agency; so will the minister of religion, and so will every Christian, after all their care, ascribe all to God.
The Word
1 Cor 3:6-9 I planted, Apollos watered, but God [all the while] was making it grow and [He] gave the increase. So neither he who plants is anything nor he who waters, but [only] God Who makes it grow and become greater. He who plants and he who waters are equal (one in aim, of the same importance and esteem), yet each shall receive his own reward (wages), according to his own labour. For we are fellow workmen (joint promoters, labourers together) with and for God; you are God's garden and vineyard and field under cultivation, [you are] God's building. [Isa. 61:3.] According to the grace (the special endowment for my task) of God bestowed on me, like a skillful architect and master builder I laid [the] foundation, and now another [man] is building upon it. But let each [man] be careful how he builds upon it, For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is [already] laid, which is Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One). But if anyone builds upon the Foundation, whether it be with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, The work of each [one] will become [plainly, openly] known (shown for what it is); for the day [of Christ] will disclose and declare it, because it will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test and critically appraise the character and worth of the work each person has done. If the work which any person has built on this Foundation [any product of his efforts whatever] survives [this test], he will get his reward. But if any person's work is burned up [under the test], he will suffer the loss [of it all, losing his reward], though he himself will be saved, but only as [one who has passed] through fire. [Job 23:10.] Do you not discern and understand that you [the whole church at Corinth] are God's temple (His sanctuary), and that God's Spirit has His permanent dwelling in you [to be at home in you, collectively as a church and also individually]? If anyone does hurt to God's temple or corrupts it [with false doctrines] or destroys it, God will do hurt to him and bring him to the corruption of death and destroy him. For the temple of God is holy (sacred to Him) and that [temple] you [the believing church and its individual believers] are. Let no person deceive himself. If anyone among you supposes that he is wise in this age, let him become a fool [let him discard his worldly discernment and recognize himself as dull, stupid, and foolish, without true learning and scholarship], that he may become [really] wise. [Isa. 5:21.] For this world's wisdom is foolishness (absurdity and stupidity) with God, for it is written, He lays hold of the wise in their [own] craftiness; [Job 5:13.] And again, The Lord knows the thoughts and reasonings of the [humanly] wise and recognizes how futile they are. [Ps. 94:11.] So let no one exult proudly concerning men [boasting of having this or that man as a leader], for all things are yours, Whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas (Peter), or the universe or life or death, or the immediate and threatening present or the [subsequent and uncertain] future--all are yours, And you are Christ's, and Christ is God's.
Light For Life July 2005
God is into growth have you noticed that? Growth is something that He does best and He loves seeing it and the fruit that it brings. On this earth God has made us to be the farmers on His land. We plant, nurture, feed, and then harvest the produce of these crops which bring eternal returns. Each of us has a favourite crop that we want to grow – it’s just to our liking and we know more about that particular species than any other. We love the colour, texture and taste of this crop and we put our all energy into it.
I had a crop I was nurturing and that was because God had given me the seeds to plant, it was just the crop I would be good at and I had faithfully watched over it watering it, tilling the soil, fertilizing and eradicating pests. I was a good farmer, just like my Father and the crop grew and grew, it developed beautiful, ripe, plump juicy fruit and I was so pleased. I wanted everyone to see this beautiful crop. I couldn't wait to take my produce to market and see it nourish people and give them all that natural goodness which would in turn help them to grow and be healthy.
For years I grew this crop – year after year; and each year I learned something more and found new ways to improve the soil, get bigger fruit and better methods for harvesting. One year I had prepared the soil, planted my seeds, watered them in, and watched the fruit grow and grow. They were ripening now and just about ready for the harvest, almost ready to be taken to market to be sold, to nourish and strengthen others. Then one day the Land Owner came along to call on me to see how I was going, He looked over my crop and congratulated me, He commented that this was the best crop ever, and He was indeed pleased as He loved growth and knowing the fruit would go to feed so many.
Then something unexpected happened, He informed me that He needed me somewhere else, somewhere far away, there was a new farm with another field and I was just the right one for this new crop – one I thought I knew little about. I felt deflated because I got confused thinking that I had been doing a good job, perhaps he wasn't happy with me after all? I could not believe the timing of this new venture into the unknown, besides I wanted this crop, I cared for it, and wouldn't I even be able to stay to see the faces of the people at the market who would come to buy this fine fare!
So He told me to pretty much get ready to go straight away; and even though He was the boss, I am ashamed to say I protested the decision, and then went off feeling disappointed and like I definitely don't want to be a farmer anymore! But, what could I do this was my life my calling? Even though I was upset I started to get going, then I began to pull myself together and then to make progress and I moved to the new field.
My new field didn't look half as interesting; that is until I began to look at my plot and see that there was some really good soil here, this crop would also nourish the people, and then I began to really love the location, it was situated very nicely. When He told me what to plant and I envisaged the crop I was dumbfounded – this was better than I ever expected! Next thing I know I was getting up early to go to work, there was purpose and fulfilment. I started to see that the Land Owner indeed had more experience than I. I called Him up and thanked Him for doing me this service and then I proceeded to plant the seeds. It wasn't long before up popped the little heads of my new crop, they looked fine and appeared strong – it was exciting when I realized that the yield on this crop was even better, it was far more nourishing, it was quick to grow and even self seeded which in turn would produce more fruit.
It was at the end of a long but rewarding days’ work that I sat on the verandah of my house with a cup of tea; I looked out and saw a fine sight. It was then that the Land Owner came along, I invited him to have a drink with me and we talked. He told me that He knew that I loved that old field and the crop that was growing there, He was sorry but it was more vital to move me on at that time He had others that could more than ably manage that crop, who would harvest it and were just right for this field. He reminded me He was the Land Owner and that I worked for him and he could choose to move His farmers to whatever crop He liked. He didn't do this to upset them, in fact it was an honour He told me, He chose me because I was just the right one for this crop and He knew he could trust me with it, yes it would start off small but He had big plans for this crop.
You see, He said ‘I give you the seeds to plant, for a crop to grow, crops that will net huge yields, yes you did a lot of work on it but the most important thing is the fruit, fruit to feed so many people. He had so many farmers and they were all good, the most important thing was that the fruit was prime not who grew them’. He said ‘You must remember that I gave you the seeds and I taught you all you know about farming and you just followed My instruction’. He reminded me that I was not removed from the field because I had failed, or because He wanted to upset me. He told me it was that He saw potential in me, that as I was a good farmer that I cared about His crops and that I would adjust to my new assignment. You see He knew I was a good farmer because I loved seeing growth.
Farmers love growth…. it doesn't matter which crop they grow.
Now the point to all this – wherever you are assigned, whichever crop is yours to grow right now, it is important to God. It is His crop, His fruit. When we move on we may loathe the shift but only until we see His divine purpose in it. Love your crop; trust His plan and you will see how effective you can be!
Thanks to my husband who gave me the concept and inspiration for this piece.
Word For Life
Interesting Info on this scripture: Barnes Commentary
God gave the increase - God caused the seed sown to take root and spring up; and God blessed the irrigation of the tender plants as they sprung up, and caused them to grow. This idea is still taken from the farmer. It would be vain for the farmer to sow his seed unless God would give it life. There is no life in the seed, nor is there any inherent power in the earth to make it grow. Only God, the Giver of all life, can quicken the germ in the seed, and make it live. So it would be in vain for the farmer to water his plant unless God would bless it. There is no living principle in the water; no inherent power in the rains of heaven to make the plant grow. It is adapted, indeed, to this, and the seed would not germinate if it was not planted, nor grow if it was not watered; but the life is still from God. He arranged these means, and he gives life to the tender blade, and sustains it. And so it is with the word of life. It has no inherent power to produce effect by itself. The power is not in the naked word, nor in him that plants, nor in him that waters, nor in the heart where it is sown, but in God. But there is a Fitness of the means to the end. The word is adapted to save the soul. The seed must be sown or it will not germinate. Truth must be sown in the heart, and the heart must be prepared for it - as the earth must be plowed and made mellow, or it will not spring up. It must be cultivated with assiduous care, or it will produce nothing. But still it is all of God - as much so as the yellow harvest of the field, after all the toils of the farmer is of God. And as the farmer who has just views, will take no praise to himself because his grain and his vine start up and grow after all his care, but will ascribe all to God’s unceasing, beneficent agency; so will the minister of religion, and so will every Christian, after all their care, ascribe all to God.
The Word
1 Cor 3:6-9 I planted, Apollos watered, but God [all the while] was making it grow and [He] gave the increase. So neither he who plants is anything nor he who waters, but [only] God Who makes it grow and become greater. He who plants and he who waters are equal (one in aim, of the same importance and esteem), yet each shall receive his own reward (wages), according to his own labour. For we are fellow workmen (joint promoters, labourers together) with and for God; you are God's garden and vineyard and field under cultivation, [you are] God's building. [Isa. 61:3.] According to the grace (the special endowment for my task) of God bestowed on me, like a skillful architect and master builder I laid [the] foundation, and now another [man] is building upon it. But let each [man] be careful how he builds upon it, For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is [already] laid, which is Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One). But if anyone builds upon the Foundation, whether it be with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, The work of each [one] will become [plainly, openly] known (shown for what it is); for the day [of Christ] will disclose and declare it, because it will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test and critically appraise the character and worth of the work each person has done. If the work which any person has built on this Foundation [any product of his efforts whatever] survives [this test], he will get his reward. But if any person's work is burned up [under the test], he will suffer the loss [of it all, losing his reward], though he himself will be saved, but only as [one who has passed] through fire. [Job 23:10.] Do you not discern and understand that you [the whole church at Corinth] are God's temple (His sanctuary), and that God's Spirit has His permanent dwelling in you [to be at home in you, collectively as a church and also individually]? If anyone does hurt to God's temple or corrupts it [with false doctrines] or destroys it, God will do hurt to him and bring him to the corruption of death and destroy him. For the temple of God is holy (sacred to Him) and that [temple] you [the believing church and its individual believers] are. Let no person deceive himself. If anyone among you supposes that he is wise in this age, let him become a fool [let him discard his worldly discernment and recognize himself as dull, stupid, and foolish, without true learning and scholarship], that he may become [really] wise. [Isa. 5:21.] For this world's wisdom is foolishness (absurdity and stupidity) with God, for it is written, He lays hold of the wise in their [own] craftiness; [Job 5:13.] And again, The Lord knows the thoughts and reasonings of the [humanly] wise and recognizes how futile they are. [Ps. 94:11.] So let no one exult proudly concerning men [boasting of having this or that man as a leader], for all things are yours, Whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas (Peter), or the universe or life or death, or the immediate and threatening present or the [subsequent and uncertain] future--all are yours, And you are Christ's, and Christ is God's.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Pictures of Trust & Surrender
Light For Life June 2005
There are many things that I have been writing about recently, but out of the many lessons I have learned, when it comes down to it, they are really about trust and surrender! Two picture analogies have formulated and been etched in my mind and they have taught me a lot about these two. They both encompass and beautifully portray trust and surrender and perfectly remind me of the 'stances' I need to take in relation to Jesus, my Lord and Saviour – not ones that would immediately come to mind.
Have you ever heard of the ‘trust game’? I have seen in it movies where there is some kind of support group meeting together, they share their bad experiences and talk about how they need to learn to trust (no specific movie or program comes to my mind, but I have seen it somewhere), they break up into pairs and one person will allow themselves to fall backwards and the other person WILL catch them. Now I have never done this myself but every time I even imagine doing this I get goose bumps down my spine, it is the adrenaline rush of what you would feel if you really did this. I don’t even know if I really would, even if I was falling onto a big pile of cushions, because, the thought of the sensation is freaky and surreal.
Now there is a book that I have been reading, it is called 'The Way of Agape' by Nancy Missler. Some of you may not know but the word Agape is the Greek word for God’s unconditional love for us. I really need to tell you all about it (maybe next month) because I believe it is redefining and rebuilding the foundation of my faith! In it I have learned that in order to truly trust someone you NEED to KNOW they love YOU, and yes, this is the case with God too. We can work on trying to trust people and God but when we really experience that trust and have a revelation of that love for us, individually, then we can begin to truly trust.
So, in times where I am stressed and not coping I have been picturing myself falling, backwards, into the arms of Jesus - and He catches me. It is a picture that helps me let go of what is happening and enables me to put my trust into practice. It has become a tool that I use and you might find it helpful too. I can imagine it and say to God 'Ok I am letting go, I will trust you, I KNOW you will catch me because you love ME and you are trustworthy'. Then I can see myself falling. I am learning to let this be the catalyst for actually trusting God with my life and my situations. The thing that you need to remember is if you KNOW He loves YOU then you can trust Him - thereby letting go = trust!!!
The second picture that is etched in my mind is one that came to me from God I think. It is a picture of me, on my knees, bowing down to the Lord, I am at His feet. This is a very powerful picture! To me this picture is not one of weakness but strength, after all it says in the bible, when we are weak - He will be strong! We need to be weak in order for His strength to be released in our situation. This picture looks like me throwing myself at Jesus feet, The Rock, the true and solid foundation, it is the only way. It is like throwing yourself at someone’s mercy, but in this case, throwing yourself at His mercy is a sign of trust and knowledge that He is our help and our refuge, our strong tower. Lord please help me to throw myself on you, to fall on The Rock.
The scripture verse that I read talked about falling on the rock or, the rock falling on you – it was in a different context to mercy, but I was seeing that there is perhaps another way we can understand this analogy. God’s word is supernatural and I believe that scripture can speak several lessons to us in the one story. And, this is it – it is far better for us to fall on The Rock – and for us to be broken, relying on His strength etc, than for the Rock to fall on us to break us, crush us.
When we act on our own we are not falling on The Rock, actually we are setting things in motion for the Rock to fall on us and that results in us getting broken. When we fall on The Rock, there is no further to fall, it is a position of humility, and therefore a position of strength. By taking that position, we are conveying to God that we are not in control, we are limited, we rely on Him, and we know He is the answer. I feel He senses my declaration that only He can deliver me here. My prayer in this is, "All that I have comes from Your hand, all that I am comes from Your hand and all that I need comes from your hand, thank you for bringing me Your answers'.
I hope one or both of these pictures will mean something to you and perhaps meet you where you are at - maybe in need of trust of surrender. Maybe they will help convey how you might be able to do trust and surrender, and give you somewhere to start. We've got to start somewhere! Start here.
Word For Life
TRUST: To trust, hope, to make someone a refuge.
SURRENDER: To yield to the power of, to give up possession of.
The Word
2 Cor 12:10
Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ's sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
1 Cor 13:4
For though He was crucified in weakness, yet He lives by the power of God. For we also are weak in Him, but we shall live with Him by the power of God toward you.
Isaiah 40:29
He gives power to the weak and to those who have no might He increases strength.
Light For Life June 2005
There are many things that I have been writing about recently, but out of the many lessons I have learned, when it comes down to it, they are really about trust and surrender! Two picture analogies have formulated and been etched in my mind and they have taught me a lot about these two. They both encompass and beautifully portray trust and surrender and perfectly remind me of the 'stances' I need to take in relation to Jesus, my Lord and Saviour – not ones that would immediately come to mind.
Have you ever heard of the ‘trust game’? I have seen in it movies where there is some kind of support group meeting together, they share their bad experiences and talk about how they need to learn to trust (no specific movie or program comes to my mind, but I have seen it somewhere), they break up into pairs and one person will allow themselves to fall backwards and the other person WILL catch them. Now I have never done this myself but every time I even imagine doing this I get goose bumps down my spine, it is the adrenaline rush of what you would feel if you really did this. I don’t even know if I really would, even if I was falling onto a big pile of cushions, because, the thought of the sensation is freaky and surreal.
Now there is a book that I have been reading, it is called 'The Way of Agape' by Nancy Missler. Some of you may not know but the word Agape is the Greek word for God’s unconditional love for us. I really need to tell you all about it (maybe next month) because I believe it is redefining and rebuilding the foundation of my faith! In it I have learned that in order to truly trust someone you NEED to KNOW they love YOU, and yes, this is the case with God too. We can work on trying to trust people and God but when we really experience that trust and have a revelation of that love for us, individually, then we can begin to truly trust.
So, in times where I am stressed and not coping I have been picturing myself falling, backwards, into the arms of Jesus - and He catches me. It is a picture that helps me let go of what is happening and enables me to put my trust into practice. It has become a tool that I use and you might find it helpful too. I can imagine it and say to God 'Ok I am letting go, I will trust you, I KNOW you will catch me because you love ME and you are trustworthy'. Then I can see myself falling. I am learning to let this be the catalyst for actually trusting God with my life and my situations. The thing that you need to remember is if you KNOW He loves YOU then you can trust Him - thereby letting go = trust!!!
The second picture that is etched in my mind is one that came to me from God I think. It is a picture of me, on my knees, bowing down to the Lord, I am at His feet. This is a very powerful picture! To me this picture is not one of weakness but strength, after all it says in the bible, when we are weak - He will be strong! We need to be weak in order for His strength to be released in our situation. This picture looks like me throwing myself at Jesus feet, The Rock, the true and solid foundation, it is the only way. It is like throwing yourself at someone’s mercy, but in this case, throwing yourself at His mercy is a sign of trust and knowledge that He is our help and our refuge, our strong tower. Lord please help me to throw myself on you, to fall on The Rock.
The scripture verse that I read talked about falling on the rock or, the rock falling on you – it was in a different context to mercy, but I was seeing that there is perhaps another way we can understand this analogy. God’s word is supernatural and I believe that scripture can speak several lessons to us in the one story. And, this is it – it is far better for us to fall on The Rock – and for us to be broken, relying on His strength etc, than for the Rock to fall on us to break us, crush us.
When we act on our own we are not falling on The Rock, actually we are setting things in motion for the Rock to fall on us and that results in us getting broken. When we fall on The Rock, there is no further to fall, it is a position of humility, and therefore a position of strength. By taking that position, we are conveying to God that we are not in control, we are limited, we rely on Him, and we know He is the answer. I feel He senses my declaration that only He can deliver me here. My prayer in this is, "All that I have comes from Your hand, all that I am comes from Your hand and all that I need comes from your hand, thank you for bringing me Your answers'.
I hope one or both of these pictures will mean something to you and perhaps meet you where you are at - maybe in need of trust of surrender. Maybe they will help convey how you might be able to do trust and surrender, and give you somewhere to start. We've got to start somewhere! Start here.
Word For Life
TRUST: To trust, hope, to make someone a refuge.
SURRENDER: To yield to the power of, to give up possession of.
The Word
2 Cor 12:10
Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ's sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
1 Cor 13:4
For though He was crucified in weakness, yet He lives by the power of God. For we also are weak in Him, but we shall live with Him by the power of God toward you.
Isaiah 40:29
He gives power to the weak and to those who have no might He increases strength.
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Willing to Surrender... or Ready Willing and Able..
Willing to Surrender... or Ready, Willing and Able...
Light For Life May 2005
In order to move ahead in many areas of our lives we need to be ready to ‘let go’ to do it – surrender. I think that surrender is the starting point to change, so we need to arrive at surrender first and that is where ‘ready, willing and able’ come into it. It is a saying we all know but those three words aren’t just a saying, they also form a process that actually encapsulates biblical principals that work! Once we realise that not surrendering means we are stuck in a cycle of frustration we begin to find ways to let go, which in turn brings us to the point of ready, willing and then able. Surrender also requires trust, and we CAN trust God, so when the surrender is to God or His plans we can know we are in the best hands.
To be ready, willing or able you have to start somewhere, its not always with enthusiasm from the get go but there has to be a start! Let me put that into sentences you can relate to, it might sound something like this:
Ready: “Okay, lets talk about it”
Willing: “I will do it if you will help me”
Able: “I can do that”
In the day-to-day things of life ‘ready’ is equivalent to ‘I surrender’. The media, via television, the movies, the news and even in stories both real and fiction, portray the word surrender with a visual meaning that isn’t always what the word really means when we are talking about us and God. Some of these visuals of surrender are of flying a white flag, hands in the air, forced into it, crying, panicky, a child stomping their feet, ‘I give up’, ‘You win’, ‘Only because I have to!’ Is this true surrender?
In the kingdom of God – surrender resembles something quite opposite - laying something down at the feet of God, trusting Him, there is no strain or fight, peace comes, it feels so right, the struggle is over, we quit the fight and let God do what needs to be done; even though sometimes we do get in His way and take the long way around. First things first – first we need to be ready to surrender before the actual surrender, then follows willingness to surrender, then we can do it – we are able to surrender! It’s the same with anything; we need to be willing to do it before we can actually do it. It is like a precursor, you can’t surrender without willingness to do so.
Surrender by its very meaning suggests the offering of free will. Once we come to the point of being willing to surrender then we get the peace to be able to surrender. Having said that, willingness is not something that always comes to us easily, it may come at a price, or come with a cost. Surrender is an attitude of the heart, and God always sees our hearts and loves it when He can see that our hearts are pure.
‘Ready, willing and able!’ That is how the saying goes, but how often are we ‘ready, willing and able’? That is where it all comes back to surrender; surrender gets the ball rolling, and surrender is being ‘Ready’. You wont be ‘able’ till you are willing, and you wont be willing until you are ready.
Do you need to get ready?
Word For Life
READY: Prepared and fit for use, willing to do something, the state of being ready.
WILLING: Eager, ready, which is done or given gladly.
ABLE: Having the power, skill, knowledge, time etc necessary to do something.
The Word
Philippians 4:13
I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me (I am ready for anything and equal
to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self sufficient in Christ's sufficiency).
Light For Life May 2005
In order to move ahead in many areas of our lives we need to be ready to ‘let go’ to do it – surrender. I think that surrender is the starting point to change, so we need to arrive at surrender first and that is where ‘ready, willing and able’ come into it. It is a saying we all know but those three words aren’t just a saying, they also form a process that actually encapsulates biblical principals that work! Once we realise that not surrendering means we are stuck in a cycle of frustration we begin to find ways to let go, which in turn brings us to the point of ready, willing and then able. Surrender also requires trust, and we CAN trust God, so when the surrender is to God or His plans we can know we are in the best hands.
To be ready, willing or able you have to start somewhere, its not always with enthusiasm from the get go but there has to be a start! Let me put that into sentences you can relate to, it might sound something like this:
Ready: “Okay, lets talk about it”
Willing: “I will do it if you will help me”
Able: “I can do that”
In the day-to-day things of life ‘ready’ is equivalent to ‘I surrender’. The media, via television, the movies, the news and even in stories both real and fiction, portray the word surrender with a visual meaning that isn’t always what the word really means when we are talking about us and God. Some of these visuals of surrender are of flying a white flag, hands in the air, forced into it, crying, panicky, a child stomping their feet, ‘I give up’, ‘You win’, ‘Only because I have to!’ Is this true surrender?
In the kingdom of God – surrender resembles something quite opposite - laying something down at the feet of God, trusting Him, there is no strain or fight, peace comes, it feels so right, the struggle is over, we quit the fight and let God do what needs to be done; even though sometimes we do get in His way and take the long way around. First things first – first we need to be ready to surrender before the actual surrender, then follows willingness to surrender, then we can do it – we are able to surrender! It’s the same with anything; we need to be willing to do it before we can actually do it. It is like a precursor, you can’t surrender without willingness to do so.
Surrender by its very meaning suggests the offering of free will. Once we come to the point of being willing to surrender then we get the peace to be able to surrender. Having said that, willingness is not something that always comes to us easily, it may come at a price, or come with a cost. Surrender is an attitude of the heart, and God always sees our hearts and loves it when He can see that our hearts are pure.
‘Ready, willing and able!’ That is how the saying goes, but how often are we ‘ready, willing and able’? That is where it all comes back to surrender; surrender gets the ball rolling, and surrender is being ‘Ready’. You wont be ‘able’ till you are willing, and you wont be willing until you are ready.
Do you need to get ready?
Word For Life
READY: Prepared and fit for use, willing to do something, the state of being ready.
WILLING: Eager, ready, which is done or given gladly.
ABLE: Having the power, skill, knowledge, time etc necessary to do something.
The Word
Philippians 4:13
I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me (I am ready for anything and equal
to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self sufficient in Christ's sufficiency).
Friday, April 01, 2005
Being not Doing and Event vs. Process
Being not Doing... and Event vs.. Process...
Light For Life April 2005
Recently in my life, I have felt like I am more in the will of God, or the right place than ever before. I have had a true peace on the inside which really does pass all understanding, and I know this because I have made some changes to my life that I never thought I would, or that I would be able to make. Usually when you get to this peaceful place someone will come along and say something to the contrary which leaves the ball in your court, are you hearing God or are they? And, if you feel you are hearing right will you let these words unsettle you? I was beginning to get secure with my changes when that happened to me – something said which seemed to be very different from what I thought, so naturally it confused me a little and I had to ask God, “Am I really hearing you or am I just doing my own thing, off from where You want me?”
I was thinking about this again and talking a friend who has walked along side me all through the journey of 2004, I came to the conclusion and realization that I really do believe that I am in the will of God. How do I know? When I look at my life and family there is peace, and there is good fruit in the shape of answers to prayer and miracles happening around me. For me to feel so peaceful about the changes in my life HAS to be a miracle, this is SO unlike me, I am the one who clings on, and holds onto things, I have great difficulty letting go! I am sure I am not alone.
My friend put it really well when she said that it might seem to people that the changes I have made have been an overnight decision but it was a long process, not made rashly. It wasn’t an ‘event’ it was the end of a long process. These choices were not overnight decisions, I fought them out all last year, it was hard and painful to even choose. It took a lot to help from God and friends and some tough lessons to make me let go; I had to be brought to my knees to actually let go, and a lot of that happens where people don’t see it, and so others may not understand at first.
Its possible that people may see our decisions and think – ‘What is he/she doing? Are they off the track or deceived?’ But, in actuality for me God had already spoken it ahead of time, through my Pastor friend and mentor Jenny last year. She spoke to me of God calling me down a different road, a road that others were not going down, a ‘road less traveled by’ which was what confused me because it was not the ‘norm’, but it was the right road for me. It was a road to authenticity. It was a road of being not doing! Thinking on it right now, I remember that after she prayed for me that day, it was the first time I was even just willing to say ‘Ok, if you want me to make the changes then give me the grace and I will be able, I will be willing to be willing’.
I was watching a program on the Australian Christian Channel and a man from the UK was preaching about ‘Event vs... Process’. He said most often God uses process in our lives, we want quick overnight but He takes time to do his work, involving obedience and trust which isn’t easy, he said decisions made by process are better than made by events. One of the scriptures he used was Mathew 7:24, exactly the passage I have been studying!! He spoke on building the right foundations, digging down to the rock (Jesus), and the process that goes along with that, which involves completing a lot of hard work and takes time. The foolish builder, instead gets things done quickly – by building on the sand, which is bad foundations – he makes a quick show that doesn’t end up lasting when the storms, wind and rain. It is not an event it is a process.
People may not understand where you are at if it is very out of character for you, I have always been one found doing stuff but now I feel free in just being. (Read this slowly) I am becoming content with ‘being’ and I don’t NEED to know what I need to be doing anymore. Before, I lived to know what I was meant to be doing, and then to be doing it. Right now, I don’t need to know what I am meant to be doing, but I do know that I am doing what I am meant to be doing! Right now I am giving my all to my family – loving them and being there, to have those deep and meaningful talks with my kids, meeting their needs, not running off somewhere or preparing for something or doing something for others, everything in moderation. Do you see what I am saying? I am doing what I am meant to be doing! This is the priority assignment of my life and for the moment the only assignment!
For too long I have unconsciously drawn my contentment, my security, my identity, my being, from what I have been doing, busy, busy – whether that has been helping someone, or being involved in any number of tasks. I felt God say to me ‘Open your hands wide and I will fill them’. I want God to set the foundations of my life, putting things back into my life; (which are the foundations to my house that I am building on The Rock - God) the things that are the bricks He wants to use. I will stay right here with my hands wide open and wait. I don’t need to know now! I am not in rush to know! As far as I am concerned I am doing what God wants me to do right now and it is all the more amazing because it is not what I thought I would doing! It is being, and as the shampoo ad goes “It won’t happen overnight but it will happen!”
Word For Life
Being – At peace, happy with who you are, content in yourself (my definition).
Doing – Activities done, always busy, can’t sit still, occupied (my definition).
Event - An important and unusual happening
Process – Any continued set of natural actions connected with the continuation, development and change of life or matter over which man has little control or a continued set of actions performed intentionally in order to reach some result.
The Word
Luke 10:38-42
Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village ; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary who also sat at Jesus feet and heard His word. But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, Lord do You not care that My sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me" And Jesus answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha you are worried and troubled about many tings. "But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her."
Light For Life April 2005
Recently in my life, I have felt like I am more in the will of God, or the right place than ever before. I have had a true peace on the inside which really does pass all understanding, and I know this because I have made some changes to my life that I never thought I would, or that I would be able to make. Usually when you get to this peaceful place someone will come along and say something to the contrary which leaves the ball in your court, are you hearing God or are they? And, if you feel you are hearing right will you let these words unsettle you? I was beginning to get secure with my changes when that happened to me – something said which seemed to be very different from what I thought, so naturally it confused me a little and I had to ask God, “Am I really hearing you or am I just doing my own thing, off from where You want me?”
I was thinking about this again and talking a friend who has walked along side me all through the journey of 2004, I came to the conclusion and realization that I really do believe that I am in the will of God. How do I know? When I look at my life and family there is peace, and there is good fruit in the shape of answers to prayer and miracles happening around me. For me to feel so peaceful about the changes in my life HAS to be a miracle, this is SO unlike me, I am the one who clings on, and holds onto things, I have great difficulty letting go! I am sure I am not alone.
My friend put it really well when she said that it might seem to people that the changes I have made have been an overnight decision but it was a long process, not made rashly. It wasn’t an ‘event’ it was the end of a long process. These choices were not overnight decisions, I fought them out all last year, it was hard and painful to even choose. It took a lot to help from God and friends and some tough lessons to make me let go; I had to be brought to my knees to actually let go, and a lot of that happens where people don’t see it, and so others may not understand at first.
Its possible that people may see our decisions and think – ‘What is he/she doing? Are they off the track or deceived?’ But, in actuality for me God had already spoken it ahead of time, through my Pastor friend and mentor Jenny last year. She spoke to me of God calling me down a different road, a road that others were not going down, a ‘road less traveled by’ which was what confused me because it was not the ‘norm’, but it was the right road for me. It was a road to authenticity. It was a road of being not doing! Thinking on it right now, I remember that after she prayed for me that day, it was the first time I was even just willing to say ‘Ok, if you want me to make the changes then give me the grace and I will be able, I will be willing to be willing’.
I was watching a program on the Australian Christian Channel and a man from the UK was preaching about ‘Event vs... Process’. He said most often God uses process in our lives, we want quick overnight but He takes time to do his work, involving obedience and trust which isn’t easy, he said decisions made by process are better than made by events. One of the scriptures he used was Mathew 7:24, exactly the passage I have been studying!! He spoke on building the right foundations, digging down to the rock (Jesus), and the process that goes along with that, which involves completing a lot of hard work and takes time. The foolish builder, instead gets things done quickly – by building on the sand, which is bad foundations – he makes a quick show that doesn’t end up lasting when the storms, wind and rain. It is not an event it is a process.
People may not understand where you are at if it is very out of character for you, I have always been one found doing stuff but now I feel free in just being. (Read this slowly) I am becoming content with ‘being’ and I don’t NEED to know what I need to be doing anymore. Before, I lived to know what I was meant to be doing, and then to be doing it. Right now, I don’t need to know what I am meant to be doing, but I do know that I am doing what I am meant to be doing! Right now I am giving my all to my family – loving them and being there, to have those deep and meaningful talks with my kids, meeting their needs, not running off somewhere or preparing for something or doing something for others, everything in moderation. Do you see what I am saying? I am doing what I am meant to be doing! This is the priority assignment of my life and for the moment the only assignment!
For too long I have unconsciously drawn my contentment, my security, my identity, my being, from what I have been doing, busy, busy – whether that has been helping someone, or being involved in any number of tasks. I felt God say to me ‘Open your hands wide and I will fill them’. I want God to set the foundations of my life, putting things back into my life; (which are the foundations to my house that I am building on The Rock - God) the things that are the bricks He wants to use. I will stay right here with my hands wide open and wait. I don’t need to know now! I am not in rush to know! As far as I am concerned I am doing what God wants me to do right now and it is all the more amazing because it is not what I thought I would doing! It is being, and as the shampoo ad goes “It won’t happen overnight but it will happen!”
Word For Life
Being – At peace, happy with who you are, content in yourself (my definition).
Doing – Activities done, always busy, can’t sit still, occupied (my definition).
Event - An important and unusual happening
Process – Any continued set of natural actions connected with the continuation, development and change of life or matter over which man has little control or a continued set of actions performed intentionally in order to reach some result.
The Word
Luke 10:38-42
Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village ; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary who also sat at Jesus feet and heard His word. But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, Lord do You not care that My sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me" And Jesus answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha you are worried and troubled about many tings. "But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her."
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
The Emptying Of Self... Nothing to Give
The Emptying of Self...
Nothing to Give???
Light For Life March 2005
When we are feeling low, when we have nothing to give, what we give to others is purely God. We all go through seasons in our lives in which it seems God’s work in us is thorough and systematic, He has a plan and purpose to purify and refine us. This isn’t just an outer work but its an inner one, most of what needs to take place, needs to do so from the inside out. Its in those seasons where we may feel as if there is nothing left of ‘us’; everything has been brought into the light of God and exposed.
The tests in our lives can be constant and seem relentless; when we’ve been broken as we sometimes are, the last thing we feel is that we can help others; we may feel weak, like a failure, empty. Sometimes we may not even be at the point of being able to help ourselves. But at that point, the amazing thing is, we are in fact in a great place with God if we will draw on Him, and a place from which He can use us more effectively.
God works in us, throughout our lives to make us as ‘authentic’ as possible, and at our lowest point we may actually be the most real – there is less pretence, we don't have energy for 'appearances' sake' and stop trying to look good or like we have it all together and know what to do. We recognize our shortcomings and inabilities, why, we sometimes can't even help ourselves; but at that point, with nothing left of ‘us’ (by that I mean – us, our strength, our wisdom, our advice, our ideas etc) what we give to others is what is in our heart – hopefully God, and the Bible says that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
It surprises me and makes me smile when I am at this low place, where I am thinking 'Please don't ask me' and then someone else needs support and, out of my mouth tumbles answers, comfort, just the right words that help. Where did that come from because I certainly had nothing to give? We are left dumbfounded as to how – but there's no need to guess, it is God speaking through us – He has none of our usual obstacles in the way because we don’t have the answer for once!!! He is the answer.
When all is rosy we tend to rely more on ourselves, and less on God, we can help others, which is good, but it can come from us and not Him, even though our advice may be good or right. When we have nothing left to give – we give God. Its a by-product of being humbled, stripped down, tried and tested.
When are emptied of self the out flowing working of God through us is the like purest oil, ministering to and bringing ease and comfort and God’s word to our hurting neighbour. Next time you are in this spot don't think 'There is nothing I can do', draw on God and He will show you the way or give you the words. We may be empty but we can also be full both at the same time.
Word For Life
EMPTY: Containing nothing, not having the contents which are usually there, without sense or purpose, meaningless.
The Word
Isaiah 12:3: "Therefore you will draw water from the wells of salvation".
Matthew 10:19b: .."Do not worry about how or what you should speak. For it will be given to you in that hour what you should speak; for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you".
Nothing to Give???
Light For Life March 2005
When we are feeling low, when we have nothing to give, what we give to others is purely God. We all go through seasons in our lives in which it seems God’s work in us is thorough and systematic, He has a plan and purpose to purify and refine us. This isn’t just an outer work but its an inner one, most of what needs to take place, needs to do so from the inside out. Its in those seasons where we may feel as if there is nothing left of ‘us’; everything has been brought into the light of God and exposed.
The tests in our lives can be constant and seem relentless; when we’ve been broken as we sometimes are, the last thing we feel is that we can help others; we may feel weak, like a failure, empty. Sometimes we may not even be at the point of being able to help ourselves. But at that point, the amazing thing is, we are in fact in a great place with God if we will draw on Him, and a place from which He can use us more effectively.
God works in us, throughout our lives to make us as ‘authentic’ as possible, and at our lowest point we may actually be the most real – there is less pretence, we don't have energy for 'appearances' sake' and stop trying to look good or like we have it all together and know what to do. We recognize our shortcomings and inabilities, why, we sometimes can't even help ourselves; but at that point, with nothing left of ‘us’ (by that I mean – us, our strength, our wisdom, our advice, our ideas etc) what we give to others is what is in our heart – hopefully God, and the Bible says that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
It surprises me and makes me smile when I am at this low place, where I am thinking 'Please don't ask me' and then someone else needs support and, out of my mouth tumbles answers, comfort, just the right words that help. Where did that come from because I certainly had nothing to give? We are left dumbfounded as to how – but there's no need to guess, it is God speaking through us – He has none of our usual obstacles in the way because we don’t have the answer for once!!! He is the answer.
When all is rosy we tend to rely more on ourselves, and less on God, we can help others, which is good, but it can come from us and not Him, even though our advice may be good or right. When we have nothing left to give – we give God. Its a by-product of being humbled, stripped down, tried and tested.
When are emptied of self the out flowing working of God through us is the like purest oil, ministering to and bringing ease and comfort and God’s word to our hurting neighbour. Next time you are in this spot don't think 'There is nothing I can do', draw on God and He will show you the way or give you the words. We may be empty but we can also be full both at the same time.
Word For Life
EMPTY: Containing nothing, not having the contents which are usually there, without sense or purpose, meaningless.
The Word
Isaiah 12:3: "Therefore you will draw water from the wells of salvation".
Matthew 10:19b: .."Do not worry about how or what you should speak. For it will be given to you in that hour what you should speak; for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you".
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
A Change in the right direction... Letting Go..
A Change in the right direction… Letting Go…
Light For Life February 2005
Things are changing, things are always changing, and change is another one of those things I am not greatly fond of. This last 12 months, in a lot of ways has been about change. I am coming to terms with the fact that it has to happen, and I am even accepting it more willingly, which is a breakthrough. I think I have been forced into it by situations beyond my control and realising it is inevitable, actually I can’t do too much about it.
Being very ‘routined’ in my ways, if there is something that I know and that I like, I think it will always be that way or be a part of my life, forever! Things like people, friends, hobbies, annual events, traditions, etc. In 2004, change was in the wind the whole way through, and it blew away a lot of things I thought would always be, along with concepts, ideals, things I have been a part of, and even some directions. I feel as if a great shift is taking place and because of it I am learning the art of letting go. Something tells me that it is going to be the same for 2005!
Normally by the end of the year I have a sense of what the next year is about; but this year I couldn’t quite say what I thought 2005 would hold, just that I know He has it in His hands. This year I have let go my 'hold' on things to a greater extent, and scary as it may be there is also an element of freedom in it; I almost feel as if it is empowering to let go of some things, and then there is anticipation of what could or will be! Our hold on many things in our lives leaves us ragged even though we don’t realise it, and then one something changes, for whatever reason it might be, and we realise we didn’t really need that after all.
I am one who believes that when we let go of one thing God brings the next to us. What will He bring to me? I have a feeling that there is more to let go of and I pray for the ease to do so and the courage to do it. Letting go is about shaping us and shaping our future, one thing may need to end in order for another to begin. Do I trust God to do it?
The things that have been a part of us for a long time are the hardest to let go. When life is complicated, as I have found it to be, sometimes it is hard to read the situation clearly to know what to do. I don’t know about you, but I have found it difficult to make these decisions, weighing up my motives, not wanting to steer my own boat and end up in a storm. Even though I don’t understand the ways of God at times, my foundation is still on Him and I am not foolhardy enough to think I know best and go it alone.
I needed to make some decisions/choices for 2005 and I was finding it difficult, then I came up with the one deciding factor that helped me. The deciding factor for me was a priority that demanded my attention, and when I looked at it, wisdom said ‘it’s right - listen’. It seemed obvious. I think I feel at peace about the steps I am taking, more peaceful than less anyway, so I will walk through and if I am wrong then I pray that God will give me His grace to retrace my steps. Releasing my grip, slowly, was the way to come to the decision, that way I would be able to sense if it was wrong – for me the release brought peace.
What do you need to let go of? Is change blowing around you? Is there a deciding factor – ‘The Determiner’? What would help you make this decision? There is only one way to find out – slowly release your grip!
A Note:
This edition of LIGHT FOR LIFE is the 2nd Year Anniversary of my group emails! Thanks for all the great feedback and encouragement that I get regularly, it inspires me to keep going - and after all, I have to use the lessons of my life for some good - hey! These emails go out each month to over 100 people which is amazing and I pray that my lessons will shed some light on the things that are going on in your life - and bring you some answers, you are not alone!
Word For Life
Determiner: A person or thing that determines. One that determines. An argument that is conclusive.
The Word
Psalm 24:4-5: Lord, tell me your ways. Show me how to live. Guide me in your truth.
Light For Life February 2005
Things are changing, things are always changing, and change is another one of those things I am not greatly fond of. This last 12 months, in a lot of ways has been about change. I am coming to terms with the fact that it has to happen, and I am even accepting it more willingly, which is a breakthrough. I think I have been forced into it by situations beyond my control and realising it is inevitable, actually I can’t do too much about it.
Being very ‘routined’ in my ways, if there is something that I know and that I like, I think it will always be that way or be a part of my life, forever! Things like people, friends, hobbies, annual events, traditions, etc. In 2004, change was in the wind the whole way through, and it blew away a lot of things I thought would always be, along with concepts, ideals, things I have been a part of, and even some directions. I feel as if a great shift is taking place and because of it I am learning the art of letting go. Something tells me that it is going to be the same for 2005!
Normally by the end of the year I have a sense of what the next year is about; but this year I couldn’t quite say what I thought 2005 would hold, just that I know He has it in His hands. This year I have let go my 'hold' on things to a greater extent, and scary as it may be there is also an element of freedom in it; I almost feel as if it is empowering to let go of some things, and then there is anticipation of what could or will be! Our hold on many things in our lives leaves us ragged even though we don’t realise it, and then one something changes, for whatever reason it might be, and we realise we didn’t really need that after all.
I am one who believes that when we let go of one thing God brings the next to us. What will He bring to me? I have a feeling that there is more to let go of and I pray for the ease to do so and the courage to do it. Letting go is about shaping us and shaping our future, one thing may need to end in order for another to begin. Do I trust God to do it?
The things that have been a part of us for a long time are the hardest to let go. When life is complicated, as I have found it to be, sometimes it is hard to read the situation clearly to know what to do. I don’t know about you, but I have found it difficult to make these decisions, weighing up my motives, not wanting to steer my own boat and end up in a storm. Even though I don’t understand the ways of God at times, my foundation is still on Him and I am not foolhardy enough to think I know best and go it alone.
I needed to make some decisions/choices for 2005 and I was finding it difficult, then I came up with the one deciding factor that helped me. The deciding factor for me was a priority that demanded my attention, and when I looked at it, wisdom said ‘it’s right - listen’. It seemed obvious. I think I feel at peace about the steps I am taking, more peaceful than less anyway, so I will walk through and if I am wrong then I pray that God will give me His grace to retrace my steps. Releasing my grip, slowly, was the way to come to the decision, that way I would be able to sense if it was wrong – for me the release brought peace.
What do you need to let go of? Is change blowing around you? Is there a deciding factor – ‘The Determiner’? What would help you make this decision? There is only one way to find out – slowly release your grip!
A Note:
This edition of LIGHT FOR LIFE is the 2nd Year Anniversary of my group emails! Thanks for all the great feedback and encouragement that I get regularly, it inspires me to keep going - and after all, I have to use the lessons of my life for some good - hey! These emails go out each month to over 100 people which is amazing and I pray that my lessons will shed some light on the things that are going on in your life - and bring you some answers, you are not alone!
Word For Life
Determiner: A person or thing that determines. One that determines. An argument that is conclusive.
The Word
Psalm 24:4-5: Lord, tell me your ways. Show me how to live. Guide me in your truth.
Saturday, January 01, 2005
A Step in the Right Direction
Light For Life January 2005
In so many areas of our lives it is the shortest distances and words that can make the biggest difference! I am sorry, I love you, I forgive you, yes, no, are some just to name a few. In the race that we run, that is our lives, one step can make all the difference too. It can mean the difference between winning and losing, living and dying, passing or failing, and forgiveness and peace. One LITTLE step in the wrong direction can set out course in the wrong direction for life, which in the end can mean we are thousands of miles off course!
When I was about twenty or so, I remember one of the pastors at my church using this powerful illustration, and to this day I have not forgotten it. He was talking about how when we make one bad choice, or step, if we never correct that choice that in the end it takes us way off from where we are meant to be. You see, the angle grows wider the further you go along. If you keep going 1 degree off course for a length, you will end up many degrees off course in the end. It is VERY gradual, so you don’t even notice it.
Sadly, many don’t notice till it is too late, they look over only to notice they are not where they thought they were. A clear picture that comes to mind is that of being in the water at the beach. You set all your stuff up on the shore and you head straight out into the water. After a little while you look into shore to find your things on the beach and realise how far you have drifted, or that the current had moved you. Once the motion has begun it is doesn’t feel any different so it just takes you willingly.
Now, if you drifted far enough out, or the conditions were right you could get caught in a current, but even without a strong current you can find yourself far off. Then we try to back track, we may find that it is harder to go against that current to get back but yet we seemed to have just got there without any effort.
One of the easiest ways to get off course and not stay true to ourselves and to God is via compromise. A lady I heard preaching a few weeks ago said that ‘compromise is when we do something that we truly don’t believe in’. How often do we do that? You would be surprised at the other things that could take you off the course God has designed for you – a dashed dream, hurts and un-forgiveness, bad attitudes, the wrong friends, bad influences, bad experiences, negativity, fear and worry, doubt, unreal expectations, high standards, low standards, poor choices, peer pressure, pride, … If you recognize one of these as being a point where you headed off course I suggest you bring it before God, work through it and do what you can to come about.
As it is my first LFL for the year – I guess I would like to pose the question – Do you need to take a step in the right direction? I will tell you honestly right now – I do! My prayer for 2005 is that I will take every step in the right direction that needs to be made and that I will do it without delay. 2004 seemed to take me off course, but then was it really off course or just not the course I planned to take? I think we need to have focus and vision and yet be WILLING to surrender to God’s best for our lives.
This is a fresh day, a fresh year, a fresh path, these steps have never been taken before and these days have not been lived before. God please give us the grace we need each day to know the way and to choose to go! Now is the time to take an inventory and correct the course.
Word For Life
Direction: The act of setting and holding a course. The act of managing something. A line leading to a place or point. A general course along which something has a tendency to develop. Direction or advice as to a decision or course of action.
The Word
Deuteronomy 5:32-33: Therefore you shall be careful to do as the Lord your God has commanded you; you shall not turn aside to the right hand or the left hand. You shall walk in all the ways which the Lord you God has commanded you, that you may live and that it may be well with you and that you may prolong your days in the land which you shall possess.
Light For Life January 2005
In so many areas of our lives it is the shortest distances and words that can make the biggest difference! I am sorry, I love you, I forgive you, yes, no, are some just to name a few. In the race that we run, that is our lives, one step can make all the difference too. It can mean the difference between winning and losing, living and dying, passing or failing, and forgiveness and peace. One LITTLE step in the wrong direction can set out course in the wrong direction for life, which in the end can mean we are thousands of miles off course!
When I was about twenty or so, I remember one of the pastors at my church using this powerful illustration, and to this day I have not forgotten it. He was talking about how when we make one bad choice, or step, if we never correct that choice that in the end it takes us way off from where we are meant to be. You see, the angle grows wider the further you go along. If you keep going 1 degree off course for a length, you will end up many degrees off course in the end. It is VERY gradual, so you don’t even notice it.
Sadly, many don’t notice till it is too late, they look over only to notice they are not where they thought they were. A clear picture that comes to mind is that of being in the water at the beach. You set all your stuff up on the shore and you head straight out into the water. After a little while you look into shore to find your things on the beach and realise how far you have drifted, or that the current had moved you. Once the motion has begun it is doesn’t feel any different so it just takes you willingly.
Now, if you drifted far enough out, or the conditions were right you could get caught in a current, but even without a strong current you can find yourself far off. Then we try to back track, we may find that it is harder to go against that current to get back but yet we seemed to have just got there without any effort.
One of the easiest ways to get off course and not stay true to ourselves and to God is via compromise. A lady I heard preaching a few weeks ago said that ‘compromise is when we do something that we truly don’t believe in’. How often do we do that? You would be surprised at the other things that could take you off the course God has designed for you – a dashed dream, hurts and un-forgiveness, bad attitudes, the wrong friends, bad influences, bad experiences, negativity, fear and worry, doubt, unreal expectations, high standards, low standards, poor choices, peer pressure, pride, … If you recognize one of these as being a point where you headed off course I suggest you bring it before God, work through it and do what you can to come about.
As it is my first LFL for the year – I guess I would like to pose the question – Do you need to take a step in the right direction? I will tell you honestly right now – I do! My prayer for 2005 is that I will take every step in the right direction that needs to be made and that I will do it without delay. 2004 seemed to take me off course, but then was it really off course or just not the course I planned to take? I think we need to have focus and vision and yet be WILLING to surrender to God’s best for our lives.
This is a fresh day, a fresh year, a fresh path, these steps have never been taken before and these days have not been lived before. God please give us the grace we need each day to know the way and to choose to go! Now is the time to take an inventory and correct the course.
Word For Life
Direction: The act of setting and holding a course. The act of managing something. A line leading to a place or point. A general course along which something has a tendency to develop. Direction or advice as to a decision or course of action.
The Word
Deuteronomy 5:32-33: Therefore you shall be careful to do as the Lord your God has commanded you; you shall not turn aside to the right hand or the left hand. You shall walk in all the ways which the Lord you God has commanded you, that you may live and that it may be well with you and that you may prolong your days in the land which you shall possess.
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