Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Annual Leave Anyone?

Annual Leave Anyone?
Light For Life December 2004

Don’t you just love holidays? When it gets to around this time of the year, I have one friend who tries to stop herself from getting into that ‘holiday mode’ to soon! Its that relaxed, laid back, easy breezy mode, she can’t let herself fully relax till its really the holidays as she is a busy Mum. Once we get into that 'holiday' frame of mind we begin to wind down, but in the midst of the crazy end of year season it is not time to rest just yet! Are you someone who has your annual leave around this time of year? Are you looking forward to a good break away from the usual routine, the mundane, the regular? Did you need it a month ago? Yep! Join the club.

I am a Mum who is on the go, I run kids around, am involved in many different things and I work. My work is part time, and my holidays can vary - not as rigid as ‘nine to five’ workers; which is fine because my job and my work are just perfect for me but when it is time for holidays I am hanging out for them and more than ready for them just like you. There are many people who are self-employed, and mums who work at home and don’t have an official title and so don’t have official paid or unpaid leave. If you are one of these, you don’t get this time off so you probably just keep on year round, that is okay for a while, that is until you are in a rough patch of life.

If you have followed my ‘Light For Life’ messages throughout this year, you may have noticed that I have learnt a lot of lessons this year, and not easy ones. We have seasons where things seem to come at us from every angle; I think this year was one of those seasons. Part way through this year, when things seemed most stressed to me I had ‘had enough’ of everything. I got this bright idea, a plan to provide myself an oasis in the desert. Actually it was most probably God’s idea, but it came to me very naturally so it seemed like me! I decided to put myself on annual leave. How about that? How you ask? Can I do that? Yes you can, it was quite simple. I looked at my diary, which is usually very full, and I decided that I needed at least three weeks break – right now would be good and I noticed that after the three weeks we would be going away for a week’s holiday, which we hadn’t had for a long time. Perfect.

So, I didn't‘ book in any more appointments and I cancelled a few as well to free up my time during this period of self-appointed ‘annual leave’. If anyone asked me if I could do something for him or her, or make an appointment, I was quite happy to say ‘Sorry I am on annual leave’. That seemed to work well and it was refreshing too, I felt a bit cheeky. It was so great to have a reason not to do anything, and a purpose in having a break. It was during the school term, so it also helped that the kids were at school and the time I had during the day was pretty much all mine.

I started to wind down, and I started to do some things around the house that I had wanted to do for a while. I did some things for myself; things that I enjoyed like watching a movie, reading a book or just go shopping and writing!!!. I think making this time for yourself should be do-able for most people if you give it a go. Another way of getting a break is by giving yourself, even one day off a month or a night or two a month. It doesn’t mean that you wag school or shirk work; it means you on purpose, free up some time for you. I used to try and give myself the last Friday in the month off. I don’t work on Fridays so that was the day for me. On that day I would do my best not to clean the house, make phone calls etc, just for that one day and it made a difference and was a welcome relief too.

So it is possible and do-able. Have a look at your diary today and schedule in some precious ‘you’ time. Give yourself a break and enjoy something, it shouldn’t need to be a luxury; it should be part of our plan to look after ourselves and our families. Like the nowadays work ethic, with power naps and other adjustments to make employees more happy in the work place, so too, if we are happy and fresh, those in our environment will also greatly benefit as will we, and it will be smiles all round. Go ahead – give yourself permission and make some space.

Thank you for you reading 'Light For Life' and for all the wonderful feedback and encouragement I get throughout the year.
I am His mouthpiece and these are His revelations not mine!

Bless you

God's blessing on you for the NEW year.

I pray that in 2005 we can trust God more in our daily lives and surrender ourselves to Him in
leading us into each NEW day and NEW experience. I pray that God empowers you with His grace
each day and that you will learn to lean on Him and His provision, letting go of the old so that
He can release to you the NEW! New creations, new life, new love, new peace, new start,
new leaf, new hope, new joy. He can make all things new!

Word For Life

Having begun or been made only a short time ago, not used by anyone before, different from the earlier things done, just beginning or to be begun, new, fresh, recent.

God’s Word
Isaiah 43:18-19
Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold I will do a new thing now it springs forth; Shall you not know it. I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Can I Forgive Me?

Can I forgive me?
Light For Life November 2004

Do you ever struggle with forgiveness? Specifically forgiving ‘you’? I do. Last month I wrote about forgiving others on purpose, I had not planned to write about ‘forgiving myself’ or ' forgiving yourself' this month, but this follows on from that message and its worthwhile considering.

John 3:30 says “He must increase and I must decrease’. How this plays out in our lives, if we take up the challenge may not be all easy or pleasant. This year more than ever, I have been so confronted with my humanity, and that’s why I am feeling so yucky, at what seems every turn. It feels like I am on the increase, not decrease, but really it is the magnifying glass of God’s Light. Every stinking attitude, bad motivation, hurtful word, selfish decision is unveiling before my eyes and it is pretty hard to take for someone who thought she wasn’t doing too bad! The further I walk towards God, the more the holiness of God scrutinizes every area. It is not something that He inflicts on me, it is my choice to walk towards this holiness, it is my desire, and you know what happens when you walk towards the light – all the dirt shows up!

I find it difficult to forgive myself at times, at least recently I have. Perhaps its because I think I should know better; but then God is just reminding me that I am ‘only human’. But Lord, I can think of instances where I feel I have made the bad choices or I have not chosen correctly, isn’t that wilful? Strange as it might sound, sometimes I don’t even feel as if I am moving forward, sometimes I feel I am moving backwards. Am I a Christian at all?

Thing is, I need to forgive me to move forward. I think the key is I need to be willing to let go of things like the way I feel about myself, and that can be a process. If I don’t let go, one thing is for sure, round and round a mountain I will go. I am not perfect and in this lifetime I will never be, but when that imperfection rises to the surface, if I can face it and be willing to let go of it to God then I can keep moving forward.

I read a scripture today that really relates to all this, it gives me some peace in learning to forgive and accept myself in the face of this weakness. Psalm 51:16-17 – ‘For you do not require sacrifice or else I would give it; you do not delight in burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit and a contrite heart – these, O God, You will not despise’.

God wants us all to know that the main thing we all we need to have is a broken spirit – humble and repenting. I think we have a broken spirit when we have seen the truth and are changed by it. This is all we can do, and then forgiving ourselves is a matter of grace, of choice and of discipline; after all these flaws are no surprise to our Father who has, and always will love us unconditionally. When I get a grip of that, it frees me up from thinking that this is something new in my life. It is not new, it has probably always been there.

In deciding to hold onto unforgiveness, shame and condemnation we are hindering the work of God in our lives and preventing the flow of the good things He wants to give us. Can we join each other in forgiving ourselves? - Lets make God's job a little easier!

Bless you

Word For Life

Feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offences.
Feeling regret for a fault or offence.

God’s Word
Psalm 51:16-17

‘For you do not require sacrifice or else I would give it; you do not delight in burnt offering.
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit and a contrite heart – these, O God, You will not despise’.

Friday, October 01, 2004

Ouch That Hurts... Forgiveness!!!

Ouch that hurt! Forgiveness.
Light For Life October 2004

Forgiveness is something that I sometimes take for granted and don’t really think too much about. It's not so much me asking for forgiveness that I forget, but actually forgiving others! I am a fairly forgiving person and so I automatically feel as if I have forgiven people, going into this mode out of habit rather than forgiving on purpose anyway.

I started thinking about this because of discussion with my kids. Being the regular parents that we are, we are always speaking to our sons about different areas of their lives. It might be folding up their clothes or turning off the television, but as with all kids there is always something. We have been speaking to them about tone of voice, about speaking nicely and how to ask for things and respond to instructions. They tended to snap a lot and answers came out of their mouths in a gruff way, which is not acceptable. As emerging teenagers it is something that is important to get in order. It seems we have been speaking about this for a long time but with only periods of change. We would talk and then things would right themselves for a season and then slip back again. The intention was always good and I could see that efforts were being made toward trying to change but I wondered why we were not seeing lasting change.

One morning we had another one of those grumpy conversations with one of them, which can be normal for kids at this hormonal stage, but it is still no excuse for bad behaviour. As we talked, all of a sudden I realised he needed to forgive us! This is why we had not seem long term change! The 'forgiveness' was not because we have done anything wrong or bad, but because our requests made him angry and so he had internalized his feelings of anger and these had turned to resentment. As we talked, I explained to him how bad feelings that are left alone on the inside of us fester. When we forgive we release people and burdens and that is very important for us, not just the other person.

A few days later I saw another pattern emerging to do with another relationship. I again realised that forgiveness was an issue here; and not because the other person has actually done anything wrong, it was because an 'apple cart' had been upset, things were made difficult, something was required of us and we were peeved!

I often ask for forgiveness, but I don’t often think to pray and say ‘Lord, I forgive such and such, who said something stupid and insensitive to me today and hurt me’. I didn’t think I held grudges! I usually feel annoyed or upset and then work through it, rationalizing it, by saying something like, ‘Oh well, she had no idea, she tends to put her foot in her mouth sometimes, she didn’t hear what she said to you from your side, Lord help me to let it pass'.

Is this actually forgiveness? Working through something till you feel ok is not necessarily forgiving them! After I had talked to my boys about forgiveness several times in a few days, I realised that I too carry these feelings that cause me to react to people in the wrong way. I needed and need to forgive. One of the tell tale signs that you need to forgive can be the sentence that you replay over and over again in your mind and you just can't get past it and let it go.

Is this ringing any bells for you? Perhaps there are people coming to your mind right now that have hurt or upset you, perhaps they have been insensitive and you have let it get down on the inside of you and cause you to ‘react’ to them. Now when something happens to me and I feel hurt, I am trying to be more aware of actually saying ‘Lord I forgive him/her, I don’t hold that against them’. With your sacrifice I wipe that hurt or offence off the board. I hold no scores!’

Who do you need to forgive and release today?

Bless you

Word For Life
To do a favour, show kindness unconditionally, give freely, grant forgiveness, forgive freely.
To say or feel that one is no longer angry about and/or wishing to give punishment to someone for something.

God’s Word
Colossians 3:13
Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you must also do.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Never Alone - He is With Me.

Never alone, He is with me...
Light For Life September 2004

God is always with me and I should never feel alone, He is with me now and even to the end of the age. I have been thinking about the fact that He is always with me, even when I don’t realise it. I’ve been thinking how He is with me even when I feel totally alone and isolated. He is with me in the good and the bad times.

He is with me when I am so high and there is no one to whom I can express my joy and deep satisfaction; He is as ecstatic about my situation as I am. Its not just in the good times that this should be comforting, but also in the difficult moments of life. When you go through something that you can't really share with anyone else, or there is no one appropriate to share it with, He is still there. He is with me all the time. Most of the time there is no one else with us, when we have those downs, no one else can understand, there is no one else to share it with – but He is with me. He has been with me throughout the years, every moment in fact. He knows me better than anyone else.

We often feel He is with us in the happy times, and then when we are in the sad, low times we feel like we are alone. It is often easier to know we are not alone in the happy times, we feel comfortable and we feel joyous, but when we are low and there is no one physically with us we feel alone and isolated, no one understands and there is no one who can hear, but He is with us.

I realised that I should take more comfort in this thought than I have been up to date. He is with me always, every day, every minute, every hour, happy, sad, frustrated, fearful, even sinning!
Why is it that I feel more ready to share with Him, when things are good, when things are easy? I can say, “Praise you Lord, Thank you for answering my prayer, I am so happy”. But when I am down or low, I know He is there but I still look for someone to console me!!

Of course we do need someone to console us, but as we grow, we learn to let that someone be God more of the time, we know He is with us. When we are low we can allow ourselves to feel very isolated from others, even when they are physically there they may not know how we are feeling and be totally unaware of the emotion we are experiencing.

It is at those times that we should feel less alone and really feel surrounded, loved and cared for by God. He is the only one who REALLY can be there for us always. He knows every detail so we don’t have to make Him understand where we are at or justify why – He knows why! We can just cry, we can just say it – no explanation needed. He was there when it happened. And, knowing the end from the beginning, who better qualifies to tell us what to do?

He comforts our sorrows for He carried them.
Take comfort today. He is with you in all these moments too.

Word For Life
In the presence of, beside, near, among or including.

God’s Word
Mathew 28:20
And Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.

Bless you

Sunday, August 01, 2004

On Assignment

On Assignment!
Light For Life August 2004!!!!

I have a sense of anticipation for the future and where God is leading me. I feel as though I am on the verge of something new but it is unknown; I have begun to surrender myself to God’s plans for me and not hold onto mine. I have a sense of expectation that God knows the next step and I can trust Him. Regardless of where I think I am in life, or where I should be, I am always on 'assignment' and so are you; its just that a lot of the time we don’t know it or are unaware of it. We may think that we are not where we need or want to be, but right now we might be just where God wants us!!!! Have you considered that?

God’s assignments are not always for us to be ‘angels of mercy’ to those in need or to have an up front role, some are to prepare us for the next stage by behind the scenes work, deep in our lives. This may happen through such means as serving others, which may allow the uncovering of our true inward character, revealing weaknesses that we had no idea were there... Our assignment might be to sit a test, like an exam that is sprung on us by the teacher, or like a major project due in next week, sometimes they last a day and sometimes a week. Some of these assignments are easy and some we may enjoy, but its the ones that are difficult that we like to think are not from God at all!

I won't pretend to know much about diamonds, but I imagine that a diamond in its rough form needs a lot of work for it to become the object of beauty that it can be. If it didn't undergo every process needed, would it be brought to its fullest beauty and value? So too, God shapes us all round, it is thorough and complete, He leaves nothing out, He doesn't want a whole lot of lop sided people walking around! The bible says 'Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will bring it unto completion on the day of Jesus Christ' (Philippians 1:6), and that means process.

It was as I was speaking to my pastor that I realised that I have been on assignment, she helped me see it. Funny that, because for a time, when I didn’t understand what was going, I thought this is all wrong it must be the devil attacking me! At times that may indeed be the case, but there are times that we might be just where God wants us – to teach us something. God does not enjoy allowing hard things in our lives to teach us but they are one of the tools He will use for our growth.

In my life I am constantly coming before God in prayer, He knows my heart is towards becoming more like His Son. I have found that because that is where my heart is and I want to be open and willing, it's only natural that I will, in the process of life have to work through issues to become rounded, complete and balanced. If you are open to Him so will you, but, God is one we can trust, when He is working in our life we are safe because He is in control.

When you are on one of these assignments you might be tempted to get into self-condemnation, self pity, feeling like a failure, weak, insignificant, hopeless and unworthy but don’t do it. It also says in the bible ‘For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God’, we are all weak and human, but thank God that He is God and that He is able to keep us from falling!

Work with God and not against His purposes and you will feel free-er than ever. He loves you with an ever lasting love, His steadfast love never ceases, His mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning and great is His faithfulness and it is His kindness that leads us to repentance. He loves us through every stage and never wants to give up. Keep in mind that even if you are in a difficult place right now - you may be on assignment! Learn all you can while you are there, submit yourself to God and don't fight against it if you sense it is God. Ask Him to speak to you, as He is the one with all the answers. Go through and then you move on - the less delays the better!

Bless you

Word For Life
A position, office, or job which one is given or to which one is being sent.

God’s Word
1 Peter 1:7
'...that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honour and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Lord, please help me I cant do it!

Lord please help me, I CAN'T do it!!!!
Light For Life - July 2004 - yep a year ago!

First thing in the morning lying in bed is often a time when we consider where we are at and what we need to do that day; for some people it is a time of regret for the actions of the night before and the things that they might have done! It is not necessarily the best place to
consider these things but inevitably it is a place where we do it.

So, I’m lying in bed, considering my efforts for the previous day; I wasn’t entirely successful again. Once you are on the journey to become more like Jesus, a journey of refinement, these bad behaviours, attitudes and emotions stick out like a sore thumb. This takes away any joy we may feel from the argument ‘won’ or the sense of satisfaction we get in feeling justified for our attitude. Are we really the winner here or have we already lost!?

As I critique the day before I know I didn’t cut it! Phooey, will I ever cut it? It seems I wake up like this often; there is always something. I am talking to God now, ‘Oh Lord, I blew it again’, He doesn’t gloat though He already knows. ‘I am just not winning with my emotions lately, am I so weak? I would have thought by now, that after 20 years of having Jesus in my life and his workings in me, that I would be ‘more than a conqueror’. How could I listen to those stupid thoughts and let my behaviour follow accordingly? Will I ever be able to do it? I just cant seem to do it!!!’ The gentle answer came, “No, you can’t do it’, but I can do it in you.

Revelation: The only way I am supposed to be able to do all things, is through Christ who strengthens me, not by my redeemed behaviour, not by not my prayer life, my input of God’s word, not because I surround myself with good company, not by fasting, not by humility, not because of how long I have been a Christian or anything else. Yes, it is all these things in part, but only by the supernatural grace of God that enables us.

May 2004 was the beginning of the test of my Christian life! I was very confused about what it was really all about. I was struggling to do the thing I thought I was supposed to do, to be the person I knew God wanted me to be and to react the way I should, after 20 years training - with grace, peace, joy, humility, a willing obedience and a spirit of servant hood towards Him, my Master. The shock was I was really struggling, it wasn’t coming easy and I found myself saying ‘I don’t know if I can do this?’, this was unusual. So many lessons to learn, what did God really want me to learn out of it all? Not just one thing I guess, but the crux of it all was that, no, I can’t do it, not without His help.

After one months struggle, I was despairing! How can I be so weak? I was trying all the formulae I knew and it wasn’t working. I called my friend who is also a pastor and my mentor. I went to see her with some expectation that she would bring me some wisdom, guidance and a breakthrough in this area and that was what I got.

She listened to me and then I said to her ‘I can’t do it!’, she looked at me and said ‘That’s right Cam, YOU can’t, only GOD can.’ Praise God, I finally understood, part of this whole lesson was to show me that I couldn’t do it. None of what I said before would help me at this time because the lesson He wanted me to learn was that I can do nothing without Him, only with Him and through Him. What blessed relief! I was not a failure, pathetic, weak, hopeless, at least no more than the rest of us. I was normal! And, now I knew how to do this hard thing, by His empowerment. That is what He wanted me to learn.

How deceived are we, that after even a short time of being a Christian we think we know the way out, the correct response and what we need to do? We are tricked into thinking that it is somehow by DOING them that we will get through. I have learnt that I can do 'love, joy, and peace', some of those things, just because that is my nature but I need to do them in His strength, this will take me through the really tough times. Doing these things, living the fruit of the spirit – love, joy, peace etc, needs to be by being empowered by HIS love, joy, peace, grace, humility - the fruit of the Spirit not the fruit of my efforts. That is how we can finally overcome. Is there something you can't do? Maybe this is the answer for you!

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

A change and a holiday...

Don't they say that a change is as good as a holiday?

We just got back from a week's break. It was lovely. We didn't do all that much really but it was great. I know it was good because it felt more like a month than a week and I have come home feeling refreshed and as though a page has been turned over. It is always helpful to start a new page in life. So I guess a change is as good as a holiday!

Years ago I heard a saying 'There is no gain without pain', well that seems to be true. Let me just say that I am glad to feel like I am making progress again... Well at least I am on the move. I have come home with some plans to continue to bring balance into my life, better time management etc. Please God help me to stay on track. I started walking again and trying to drink water too, I even ate fruit two days in a row. Now the truth is coming out about me isn't it?

Change and holidays are both good things!

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Blog the time away!

I have just spent the last hour blogging! I got home from work feeling motivated to cook dinner early so I cold relax later when the kids get home from school. I got in the door and brought in the shopping and then the phone rang - 10 minutes gone, I had lunch - 10 minutes more gone. What to do? I decided to have some 'quality ME time' and blogged away.

I checked out many different blogs and learnt you do need to be careful cos you don't know what you might see or read. I will employ more care in searching through next time! A lot of people are blogging and I think this is very good - its good to get your thoughts down on paper (well... computers are the new paper aren't they?).

So, heading back into the real world now, or is this the real world. Well it is the real world of my head anyway. Must dash now to go and get my son from school. I typed this whole blog and then lost it somehow.

Until next time...

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

The Oil of Joy & The Ease of Grace...

JUNE 2004

Have you noticed that it's empowering if we do the things which are hard for us, and that are getting us down with JOY!!! Not always easy, but empowering. Serving the Lord with joy, making the choice to do it with gladness is a powerful thing. It keeps coming to me that its powerful to do these things - trusting, loving, and serving with joy - it's like sowing a seed for an answer, and it is trusting God. Once you have chosen to do the 'hard thing', it gets easier, it brings ease into the situation. We get many opportunities to practice this and I am not always successful but it is a goal of mine!

The picture that comes to directly into my mind is that of oil - slippery, smooth, shiny. Choosing to trust, do the right thing, love the unlovely etc, is like putting oil in an un-oiled engine. Think about it in this context, oil makes everything work well in a car, damage is spared, you get more mileage, you save money, you get places on time etc. WOW just stop and think about that - we all need to get somewhere on time!

When the car engine runs with oil it makes a beautiful noise, people notice the smooth machine, then people admire the vehicle but also they are impressed with the owner of the car. They know he is a good owner; he takes pride in the things that belong to him. The owner of this car cares about his vehicle, services it, washes it, maintains and repairs it. You would buy a car from this man!

By now you may be able to see that we are like the car in this analogy, we can run with oil, which I believe is the grace of God and then run smoothly drawing attention to the owner of the car, which is God. Other people, who also represent cars in my picture, will want to be owned by this Owner. Too many of them have had bad owners that have not even done the basic car care, never done any repairs, and to top it off have run this car into the ground, been in accidents, never washed it, crashed into things or maybe even totaled their vehicles.

There are two purposes in this message and two outcomes; one is for you and I, and the other is for God. Firstly, run with oil in your engine, which is grace, and bring ease to yourself, choose to put the oil in regularly. The 'Owner' has a plenteous supply of oil!!! A lady preacher I listen to says, grace is the enabling power of the Holy Spirit. Secondly, choosing to do difficult things brings glory to God and leads people to Him. We need to choose to do it first and then oil is poured forth and there is ease in difficult situations.

I don't know about you but this year so far I have NEEDED the oil of grace. I have needed it to help me change, to grow, to keep good attitudes and 'stay sweet'. I need it at home, with my family, in my ministry, for my dreams and goals, with my friends, with the things I am praying for, to not go backwards, to be a good friend, sister, daughter, wife and mother. I don't think I am alone. I cry out to God each morning, 'Please give me grace today', I need it if I am to be like Him. I need it to keep loving, to forgive, to overlook, to press on, to overcome, to stay sane, to move past, to move on, to reach my potential and accomplish all that He has for me. I have a choice but really there is no choice for me if I want to stay on track.

This month let us oil our engines with JOY!!!

Monday, May 24, 2004

Time flies

Well today time flew! It just goes doesn't it, and once it has we can never relive those particular moments again.
Well at least I achieved a few things that needed to be done.
At the moment I have put myself on annual leave - I am not actually on holidays, but what I am doing, is for the next four weeks or so I am only going to do the things I need to do like work and my regular commitments. I am resisting the temptation to fill in every day, with what are mostly worthwhile things, so that I am getting through my stuff without making my day finish at midnight. An interesting exercise! I have toyed with the idea of turning my 'annual leave' into 'long service leave' and my friend Sandi said that is fine as long as I don't retire!!! I can tell you this much, I am enjoying it so far and not feeling guilty.
How to balance out life is a question that is always on my mind. One thing for sure is that I need to do it! We must look after ourselves before we look after others. Also we should look after others but not at our expense otherwise there will be nothing left to give and when we do it won't be giving with joy...
Until next time...

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Why write it?

Well its a long story really but I will make it short. I love writing, it comes naturally to me and always has. Back in my High School days, in the middle of an exam I remember writing a letter to my friend, she always reminds me of this and encouraged my writing. I always wrote my feelings down and that seemed to help when times were tough.

I wrote poems, songs, thoughts, revelations, stories, and something that was really helpful was writing letters to God. You know, 'Dear God, This is how I am feeling today please help me!' or 'Dear God, this is what is going on in my life'.

I never really took much notice of the fact that I did this, sometimes our greatest gifts are right under our noses, or in my case, at my fingertips! Anyway years later I finally recognised that this is a gift to be able to get it all down on paper or on my laptop as the case often is, and make some sense of things and realise the marvelous things I am learning and how I am changing and growing each day

So nowadays I write everything. I make notes and then write it as soon as I can. Life is full of learning experiences and our lessons can help others. It seems that God shows me a new perspective on things and I just write it down. In February 2003, I made a big step and made an email group, which now totals about 100 different people, friends, family and other connections and I send a once a month email. I get great feedback and the writing of them come with no effort whatsoever. It is called 'Light For Life', but perhaps I will leave that for another time as it is a BLOG in itself. Until next time...

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Learning to Blog!

Well this is my first time to and I have decided to become a member. I had never heard of this before really but it was mentioned in a book I was reading. Being a bit of a writer I decided to have a go and here I am!

Much to learn I think. Have wanted to have my own web site one day and perhaps this could be the start of it.